Everything You Need to Know About Essure Removal Process


If you were considering non-hormonal sterilization procedures from 2002 to 2018, Essure might have been on your list. As a non-hormonal birth control device, Essure was once regarded as safe, non-invasive contraception. It was heavily considered a non-surgical alternative for tubal ligation.

Over the years, some patients reported side effects linked to the Essure coils. Most of them experienced pelvic pain, irregular or heavy periods, and pain during intercourse.

Undergoing an Essure removal procedure may be ideal if you are among the women experiencing symptoms with the coil. The procedure may help with the symptoms and improve your quality of life. Here’s everything you should know about this surgical process.

Initial Evaluation for Essure Removal

Your gynecologist will schedule you for a complete evaluation to assess the cause for bleeding or other Essure-related symptoms. The exam helps rule out other causes of the symptoms and determine whether you will be relieved when the device is removed.

Once you visit a certified Essure removal surgeon with pelvic pains, expect a pelvic ultrasound to be done. The doctor will do a thorough physical examination and assess your medical history.

Benefits of Essure Removal

An Essure removal procedure has high chances of improving your symptoms. However, not everyone experiences this kind of pain relief. The procedure will be effective if you are experiencing weight fluctuations or depression due to the contraceptive implant.

It’s good to consider the procedure even if you aren’t experiencing any pain or bleeding. The removal process will give you peace of mind that you won’t have to worry about future problems brought by the coil. Be sure to read more on Essure removal to discover the benefits of the procedure.

Surgical Options for Removing Essure Coils

You can either undergo laparoscopy or hysterectomy when looking to have Essure coils removed. Laparoscopic complete salpingectomy is an outpatient surgical procedure that takes up to 45 minutes. It involves small puncture incisions into the uterine wall to remove the Essure coil and tube.

A hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy will guarantee that the entire coil is removed without breaking. It involves removing the fallopian tubes, uterus, and cervix.

Potential Removal Side Effects

After the procedure, it’s normal to experience some pain as you recover. The surgery may also damage surrounding reproductive organs and leave fragments of the coil behind.

Your chances of conceiving naturally are very minimal once you remove the coil. That’s because Essure coils are a permanent sterilization solution.

Recovery from the Procedure

Your recovery time will depend on the kind of technique used and how long the coil was inside. Outpatient removal procedures take little time to recover. More extensive procedures like hysterectomy require weeks for you to recover.

The recovery period may be longer if you develop complications from the surgery. Follow up with your doctor to ensure you’re healing properly.

Final Thoughts: Is Essure Removal Procedure for You?

You have a few surgical options if you wish to remove the Essure coil inside your body. The Essure removal process may range from a simple surgical procedure to a complex one.

Either way, the decision to undergo surgery is a personal one. Be sure to consult with a physician with experience in Essure coils to make an informed decision.

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